- Divinely Connected
- Present and Open
- Realistic
- Real
- Listening Deeply with an Open Heart
- Staying in the Diving FLOW

Once we are truly connected and expressing our true, essential selves, we know what type of relationships we want to consciously create instead of going by rote and doing what we've always done or have always seen others do. For example, some people's true essential selves are more poly-amorous then monogamous. "Poly" meaning "many" or "multiple" partners.
Most "poly" people prefer to have one primary partner that they oftentimes live with, in addition to enjoying intimate and usually sexual experiences and relationships with other people outside of the primary partnership. Others' true essence may be monogamous, and both partners may choose to create something entirely new that suits them both, like living in separate wings of a house, or in separate houses so each has ample space and freedom. And still others may find that they enjoy having a primary partnership with 2 partners.

Just because society condones getting married and living together, doesn't mean that anybody should do that unless they feel its in alignment with their true self.
We encourage our members to be authentic and true to themselves regardless of how unusual or different that may seem.
We also encourage radical honesty and mutual agreements to facilitate loving, heart-centered, supportive, joyful relationships.
Our goal has always been to provide our dating members with an effective, easy venue/tool to meet their soul mate, twin flame, tantric partner, poly partners and/or new friends. Since launching in the early days of online dating back in 2000, we have continuously upgraded and improved the site to be sure to keep up with the latest technology.